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Tied on 50# leader and featuring a high quality 65# barrel swivel and 2 Mustad 5/0 octopus hooks.

1 Rig - $2.00

1 Rig - $2.00
5 Rigs - $9.00
10 Rigs - $16.00



Tied on 50# leader and featuring a high quality 75# crane swivel and 2 Mustad 5/0 octopus hooks. Both hooks are tipped with Kalin 4" Scampi tails. Colors available are: pink, green, and silver flake

1 Rig - $3.00

5 Rigs - $13.00

10 Rigs - $22.00



These cod rigs are tied on 80# leader with 2 Mustad 7/0 octopus beak hooks and features a high quality barrel swivel on the top and a dropper loop on the bottom for easily attaching your weight.

1 Rig - $2.00
5 Rigs - $9.00
10 Rigs - $16.00